Currently the Praxis Network includes 132 partners assuring a broad coverage of the European territory.


Associated partners

ADDICT – Creative Industries Portugal

ADDICT – Creative Industries Portugal
ADDICT is a nonprofit association created in 2008, currently gathers around 100 members being recognised by the Ministry for Economy as the coordinator of the Creative Industries Cluster in Portugal. Our mission is to foster a favourable environment for the culture and creative economy to thrive, advocating for the sector interests and acting as innovation and knowledge platform.


Afyon Kocatepe University

Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU) was founded in 1992 and since then, has been continuing its research and training activities.  At the academic level, AKU offers a wide range of courses in undergraduate and graduate levels. In 2010, approximately 32 000 students study at AKU integrating 766 academic staff and 308 researchers. It is a university not only offering a strong academic education, but also investing on the cultural and technological legacy.


Anova consulting

Anova serves the education community in Greece and abroad. They provide consulting services and ICT based solutions in the areas of international academic mobility, interactive learning and automated scoring and surveying.
Anova  is involved in EU programs such as Erasmus and Leonardo that facilitate students and teachers international mobility. They represent Higher education Institutions in Greece but they also organize internships for foreign students in Greece.
Anova ICT solutions helps teachers  teach, administrators manage and students  learn,  in an exciting academic environment. Anova offers educational solutions based on innovative technologies such as simulation software, student response systems , interactive whiteboards and OMR Scanners.


Arcus College


Arcus College is located in the triangle of The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. We are a technical faculty in the South of The Netherlands with the following educations:

The level of our college is secondary technical education. These students are in the possibility, after getting the diploma/certificate, to do and finish a technical bachelor study.


Contact: Ben Schiefer
Manager Technical Faculty
T: 088-0272602
M: 06-22556422
E: [email protected]


Atahan Arge

ATAHAN ARGE is a modern consulting company, based in Ankara, whose staff has wide experience producing, managing and implementing training procedures and activities related to Erasmus+. The staff of our company has participated in different international projects such as Leonardo da Vinci partnerships and mobility projects and Grundtvig partnerships and training courses.

The main goal of our company is providing constant contribution to education centered development. In order to achieve our goals we focus our work on the connection between business needs, organizational plans and human resources.

Although our company is based in Ankara, we have employees, partners and connections at all over Turkey.


Yalın Gülbahar
Telephone: +90 312 472 75 06
E-mail: [email protected]

More information to international students:



The Autovision is a Volkswagen Group company that operates in the area of service delivery, management of human resources and the supply of temporary workers. Headquartered in Palmela, Portugal



Wie is Aventus?

Bij Aventus hebben jongeren en volwassenen de grootste kans op een passende mbo-opleiding of cursus. Ze vinden hier namelijk een bijzonder breed aanbod. Met ruim 200 opleidingen zijn we daarnaast de grootste opleider in de Stedendriehoek. Volop ervaring dus. En dat geeft de zekerheid dat alles goed is geregeld. Daar staan ook onze ruim 1.000 medewerkers voor in.

Mens en praktijk

Na het voorbereidend onderwijs kiezen jongeren bij ons uit opleidingen die hen voorbereiden op allerlei beroepen en sectoren. Natuurlijk kan er ook gekozen worden voor de combinatie van werken en leren. Het onderwijs heeft oog voor hen én de praktijk: ze werken hier aan hun talenten, gericht op de baan die ze hebben of later krijgen. Of de opleiding die ze hierna volgen. We gáán ervoor dat ze hierdoor straks blij en trots vertellen over Aventus.

Leren dankzij oefenen

Leren en werken gaan bij onze studenten dus hand in hand. Dat ontdekken ze in de praktijk: in de moderne praktijkruimtes op onze school én bij bedrijven/instellingen in de regio. Daardoor zijn ze na hun opleiding helemaal klaar voor hun toekomst.


Onze missie is het fundament voor onze nieuwe strategie: "Aventus laat zien hoe mooi en uitdagend beroepsgericht onderwijs is en stimuleert daarmee elke dag de groei van het individu, het bedrijfsleven en de samenleving"


Aventus herken je in hoe wij onze missie en strategie in praktijk brengen. Onze cultuurwaarden zijn hiervoor leidend.

  1. Nieuwsgierig
  2. Ambitieus
  3. Samen
  4. Aandacht


Contact: Dhr. A.A.J. van Vught directeur sector Techniek & Mobiel Aventus
[email protected]


CATT Innovation Management GmbH

As a consulting company within the TMG Group, for the past twenty years, CATT Innovation Management GmbH has accompanied Upper Austrian companies and institutions during the entire project cycle in both the national and international innovation management field (focal points: research, mobility and innovation funding, technology transfer, intellectual property rights).

Upper Austrian companies and research bodies receive competent support in the course of the concretisation of their projects, the selection of suitable RTI support programmes (research, technology, innovation), the integration of expert know-how, the submissions for intellectual property rights and the identification of possibilities for their economic exploitation. Educational and training modules provide specialist information on topics such as innovation management, intellectual property rights and the management of EU research projects, etc


Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Cantabria (COCIN)

COCIN's main objective is to contribute to economic development, representing the general interests of commerce, industry and navigation in the region of Cantabria. COCIN serves its companies from an innovative and environmentally friendly approach. COCIN is organised in the following services: Industry and Innovation, External Trade, Communication, Documentation and Research; ITC Department and Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship Services. The Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship department is in charge of the following main activities:

In the area of mobility actions, COCIN manages Leonardo da Vinci projects (LLP-PLM) and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchanges within the Gymnasium Project. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Cantabria (COCIN) belongs to the national Spanish network of the Chambers of Commerce as well as to the European Enterprise Network (EEN). Within its territory, COCIN Cantabria has built excellent alliances with other agents in the economic field such as the University of Cantabria, CEOE Cepyme, Local Development Agencies and so on.


CCI Greenheart: The Career Advancement Program

The Career Advancement Program offers international university students, recent graduates and young professionals the opportunity to become an Intern or Trainee with a U.S. business. These structured and guided work-based learning programs offer the chance for cultural immersion in the United States and professional development in the intern's or trainee's specific academic or occupational field.

CCI Greenheart is designated by the U.S. Department of State as a J-1 Visa sponsor. They sponsor self-placed interns and trainees in a variety of occupational fields.
Find out more information

In the area of mobility actions, COCIN manages Leonardo da Vinci projects (LLP-PLM) and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchanges within the Gymnasium Project. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Cantabria (COCIN) belongs to the national Spanish network of the Chambers of Commerce as well as to the European Enterprise Network (EEN). Within its territory, COCIN Cantabria has built excellent alliances with other agents in the economic field such as the University of Cantabria, CEOE Cepyme, Local Development Agencies and so on.



Celfinet is a privately-owned, Portuguese company, providing technical consultancy and telecom solutions since 2003.
We have a long and successful track record with major mobile network operators and equipment vendors.
We are fully knowledgeable of all wireless and core technologies (GSM, GPRS, UMTS, CDMA2000, HSPA, WiMAX, WiFi, SDH, WDM, IP, MPLS, DSL, GPON,…) delivering all necessary customer support in Network Planning & Design, Integration & Optimization and Operations.
Our training portfolio has been developed by experts with theoretical and operational skills and addresses, currently, all RAN and Core technologies.
More recently, Celfinet has decided to develop its software solutions portfolio. Customers have already reported their satisfaction with these products, finding them highly valuable, as they increase awareness of network issues, thereby boosting customer relationships.
Our team of more than 120 experts worldwide has carried out projects across the globe: Portugal, the UK, Spain, Angola, Mozambique, Morocco, Brazil, Hong-Kong and Macau.


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Terrassa

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Terrassa belongs to the 88 Spanish Chambers of Commerce and Industry Network and is one of the most important Chambers of Catalonia Region in terms of number of companies (31.174) and the economic weight of the area that represents.
We have developed 3 specialized areas, including our own methodology of internationalization programmes for SMEs, training and education (for students and professionals); and start-up consultancy and training. The Chamber of Commerce of Terrassa has participated in and coordinated various European and International Educational projects; as well as projects for improvement, coordination and consultancy of SMEs. Moreover, our proximity to the educational world as well as the business world at a local, national and international level makes us an ideal organization to cooperate with Praxis Network.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Terrassa, has develop the quality assurance mobility handbook Q-Placements and is leading Q-Placements network. Q-Placements.Net is the European host companies network for the promotion of international workplace training for IVET students and apprentices. The network aims at providing high quality traineeships regardless of host company sector and country. Every network member is managing international traineeships under the same quality assurance procedures agreed and written at Q-Placements handbook ( ). The network is currently operating in 10 EU countries.



Comstream provides highly competent, personable, web developers, mobile app developers, graphic designers and system administrators for businesses with an internet based go-to-market strategy. Businesses we work with have seen a need to extend their development organisations with skilled and driven individuals to fully support their visions. We find the right people at the right time to collaborate effectively with existing staff.

While working at Comstream, you are an important piece of the puzzle. We believe that great solutions are most efficiently achieved when evolved through close collaboration and dynamic development processes. In our Scandinavian-inspired business culture interaction and teamwork are essential. Whether you are based in one of our three technical offices in Bulgaria (Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna), Sweden or somewhere else in Europe, we want you to be deeply engaged in every step of the working process to make your voice heard.


Deltion College Zwolle


Good education care is the primary mission of the Deltion College. We want to educate our students knowledge and skills to an action in which the international aspect and entrepreneurship are important elements. But it goes much further than that, we see our mission wider. In the outside world, we want to be recognized as a partner in talent. Both for individuals and for companies and organizations.

Our principles

In everything we do is that quality supply is our duty, co-creation and social innovation are our priorities and corporate social responsibility is our motivation. We train for a vital labor market and contribute to a healthy regional economy.

Our governance

Students deserve good education, good teaching deserves good governance. To ensure that we endorse the code of governance '”Good governance in the BVE sector”. We put active accountable, both externally towards the Education. Inspectorate and internally to our Supervisory Board. It also helps a broad Advisory us to keep the proper regional focus.

Our responsibility is to read our annual reports.

Our responsibility is to read our annual reports.


Contact: Marinus Roijakkers: [email protected]

Marinus Roijakkers │ Opleidingsmanager │ Installeren / Infratechniek / MIT│Deltion College

Gebouw Zwart, kamer 1.046, Mozartlaan 15, 8031 AA, Zwolle │Postbus 565, 8000 AN, Zwolle

T: 038-8503865│M: 06-25320750


Dencorp International

Dencorp International Ltd is a premier esteemed and highly professional consultancy organization engaged in career guidance and counselling and providing authentic overseas educational guidance to students from Uganda and across East Africa.

Established in 2009, Dencorp International Ltd is one of the leading overseas educational consultants in Uganda representing a wide range of premier Universities and Colleges around the world. For the past years, we have been sending hundreds of students to various highly reputed Universities and Colleges in UK, India, China, USA, Canada, South Africa, Switzerland, Malaysia, Malta, Dubai, Germany, etc.


Dokuz Eylul University

Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) is one of the biggest higher education  institutions with more than 60.000 students and 3103 Academic,  3359 Administrative Staff who work at 13 faculties,  5 Graduate Schools, 1 Conservatory,  4 Schools, 5 Institutes, 6 Vocational Schools, 49 Applied Research Centers, and Technopark. 

DEU aims to improve its internationalisation through student and staff mobility, research collaboration and co-operation in by taking part in knowledge alliances. Erasmus has a significant role in establishing collaborative links with other higher education institutions  within the European Strategy and also has a substantial share in the international activity of DEU with over 300 bilateral agreements in 23 countries. DEU’s Internationalisation Strategy and its Learning and Teaching Strategy aim to promote long-term and sustainable networks and partnerships with universities and other organisations in research, teaching and enterpriseS for mutual benefit. DEU also has a new exchange program, named Mevlana, which   aims the exchange of students and academic staff between the Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries from all over the World. It is expected to sign 49 bilateral agreements from 24 countries.  DEU accepts more than 200 full time foreign students within the framework of Turkish Scholarships Program every year.


Dudley College of Technology

Established in 1862 in the heart of the UK, Dudley College is a leader in vocational training. We support over 14,000 learners and 1,500 employers from across the world. We’re renowned for our expertise in areas that include leadership and management training, skills development, employer engagement, employability and teacher development.

Now through Dudley College Worldwide we’re ready to teach you everything we know. Our teaching, training and consultancy programmes boost students, teachers, companies and entire local workforces. We are entirely flexible, tailoring course content to suit the aims, business needs and cultural requirements of your organisation. Everything we do is aimed at achieving lasting, positive change.

Contact person : Matthew Cadden-Hyde

e-mail: [email protected]

web page:



DURITCAST S.A. makes part of a Portuguese group which has a high management and financial strength capacity, DURIT group.
It is dedicated to the manufacture of cast steel (carbon, low-alloy and stainless steel) and iron products for various industrial sectors.
Owning its proper foundry, the activity of DURITCAST relies on technologically advanced means of production, respecting the environment. Duritcast is equipped of an automatic molding line +GF+, of hand-molding OMEGA, induction furnaces which technology is very recent (ABB-4 Ton/each one and INSERTEC 1 and 2 Ton) and has a production parts capacity up to 6000 Kg in grey iron, 3500 kg in nodular iron, 3000 kg in carbon and low-alloy steel and 1500 kg for stainless steel, whose geometry is complex.
It takes advantage of the group synergies in order to offer products of high quality.
Our Engineering and Quality departments develop adequate solutions in order to add value to your project.
The synergies of the group and a highly skilled team, an experience and know-how are the pillars of a strong, dynamic and creative firm which main goal is the customer satisfaction.


Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola 

Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola (EKA) is an accredited institution of higher learning that implements college, bachelor’s and master’s level professional and academic programs in social and humanitarian sciences. Its mission is to provide professional and academic education in line with the European Union standards, fosters the development of students’ creative potential and initiative, and motivation for lifelong learning

In everyday life culture is also called as “the lifestyle of the entire community”. EKA is an educational institution, which has developed as an answer to society’s need for educated specialists who could work successfully in the conditions of market economy and put into practice their creative potential.

The students of the University College of Economics and Culture have chosen an active, interesting and creative lifestyle. The study process is organized in the same manner. Students have actively participated in various cultural events both as organizers and as participants.


Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Santa Maria

Santa Maria Nursing College is a private institution where are prepare all levels of professional nurses and students. Its vision is to develop an adequate theoretical and practical knowledge with its mission "to train and qualify professional nursing, valuing scientific, technical, cultural and human aspects, always respecting the Human Person and care with the moral and ethical values”. The close relationship existing with the Santa Maria Hospital, one of the oldest and referenced hospitals in the country, ensures that Santa Maria Nursing College students develop an adequate theoretical and practical knowledge as well as analytical capabilities for performance. Santa Maria Nursing College values are excellence, integrity and innovation and our students develop, among other skills, flexibility, adaptability, communication and teamwork skills.


ESTGF, Polytechnic Institute

The Porto Polytechnic Institute (IPP) was created in 1985 and involves 7 Schools: Education (ESE); Music and Performing Arts (ESMAE); Engineering (ISEP); Accounting and Administration (ISCAP); Management and Industrial Studies (ESEIG); Management and Technology (ESTGF); and Allied Health Sciences (ESTSP). In 2012 over 18.000 students attended the seven Schools located in 6 cities within the Porto district. IPP involves more than 20 R&D units, being the Polytechnic Institute in Portugal better positioned in international scientific rankings.

Founded in 1999, ESTGF (School of Management and Technology) is a dynamic and proactive institution of higher education integrated in Porto Polytechnic Institute (IPP). The institution’s mission is to take part in development, social wellbeing, and technical and scientific national excellence, by promoting a solid education, enabling students to become innovative leaders of progress and innovation. ESTGF involves about 1300 students distributed by 7 BSc and 6 MSc degrees concerning 4 main areas: Computer Science, Business Sciences, Legal Practice and Occupational Safety and Quality.

CIICESI (Center for Research and Innovation in Business Sciences and Information Systems) has 33 researchers (18 PhD) and its mission is to promote and develop scientific research in Business Sciences and Information Systems domains, particularly if supported by Information Technology. CIICESI carries out its mission through the design and development of R&D and transfer of technology projects, specialized training and postgraduate studies, development of new products and services, and dissemination actions within its areas of practice.


Europe Online

We create a knowledge sharing culture. We are talking about sharing our knowledge and information – not just information. The purpose of knowledge sharing is to help young perspective professionals to meet their academic or career objectives. We are not doing it for its own sake. Learning to make knowledge productive is as important if not more important than sharing knowledge. We are to help young people to discover how to use their knowledge. As most young professionals do not have the ability to act on the knowledge they possess. We creat space of sharing knowledge, gaining experience, analising information and creating opportunities.


Europe Study Centre

ESC is a leading, professionally managed organisation with a focused approach and a network of branch offices across the globe with well defined marketing strategies for the promotion and branding of our associate universities .

ESC organises various creative awareness programs to spread the importance of Quality Education and the promotion of European System of Education .We conduct student fairs across South Asia for student recruitment and we also provide support for Internships and Projects to students. ESC is a "Trend Setter for the Awareness of Quality Education in Europe".


European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering

The European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering is an associationof those interested in education in theelectrical and information engineering disciplines – this includes electrical and electronic engineering of all flavours, mechatronics, control, computer science, and all related areas.  As an association its objectives are to:


European Association of Erasmus Coordinators

The European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC) was founded in 2004 in Lodz, Poland, with an official kick off during the ERACON 2005 (Erasmus Coordinators Conference and GO-Exchange Education Fair 2005) in Cyprus.
The aims of the Association are to:

  1. Enable an information and experience among the European Erasmus Programme Coordinators and beyond
  2. Promote mobility of students, academic and administrative staff in the territory of the European Union and beyond
  3. Circulate provisions on the Bologna Process and its updates in academic circles
  4. Promote principles and participation in the Erasmus + European Commission Programme
  5. Support the process of raising education and quality standards in the territory of the European Union and beyond
  6. Organise seminars and conferences, with an assumption of enabling direct communication among the Association's members and be a catalyst for increased monility throughout Europe and beyond, as well as defining new areas of the Association's activity
  7. Prepare and submit project offers to be funded by the European Commission
  8. Cooperate as a partner in European funded projects
  9. Run surveys and studies on topics relating to the above
  10. Produce publications of interest to the members
During the first General Assembly in Cyprus, June 2005, it was decided that the Erasmus Coordinators Conference and GO-Exchange Education Fair (ERACON)become an annual event. Since 2010, it was decided to be named Erasmus Congress and Exhibition.


Europemobility network

Europemobility Network is an open Consortium of organizations from Vocational, Higher as well as Non Formal Education, consultancy companies and representatives of the Business World committed to cooperate to raise the quality and quantity of work placements and learning mobility opportunities in Europe.

Europemobility Network aims at establishing a strategic framework allowing key players of learning mobility, belonging from different sectoral fields and different domains of education, to promote new partnership and to create synergies by sharing know-how and by transferring successful experiences to a wide audience across Europe.


Faculty of Fine Arts (BELAS ARTES)

Faculty of Fine Arts (BELAS ARTES)
The Faculty of Fine Arts (BELAS ARTES) is the oldest and largest college of arts education in Portugal.
Founded in 1836, Fine Arts is now a brand of international recognition as a result of the excellence of its research and teaching related to contemporary art and design.



Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto

The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) was established in 1911, following the University foundation in that same year. The advent of the Republic made this progress possible, and the FCUP emerged supported by a tradition of schools offering higher education in the City, like the Aula de Náutica (established in 1762), the Aula de Debuxo e Desenho (established in 1779), the Academia Real de Marinha e Comércio (established in 1803) and the Academia Politécnica (established in 1837). Since its origin has offered qualified training in Exact and Natural Sciences and Mathematics, expanding later its involvement to Geographic Engineering, Astronomy, Computer Sciences and Informatics, Biochemistry, Landscape Architecture, Environment Sciences and Agrarian Sciences.
The Faculty offers diversified science education and advanced training in its core areas, with undergraduate (licenciatura), masters and doctoral programs designed to provide for its students scientific and technological competences compatible with the actual requirements of the Society in the professional and research components, always anchored in the values and culture that framed the evolution of this School along the years.


FORAVE – Associação para a educação profissional do vale do ave


FORAVE is a vocational/technical private school located in the North of Portugal. Established in 1990, FORAVE has level IV courses (equivalent to upper secondary school) and level II courses (equivalent to lower secondary school) and its main aim is the preparation of qualified youngsters for active life. This school has always given a great importance to an individualized education, with a strong emphasis given to professional traineeships. There are also different practical training courses through which adult students are trying to improve or acquire skills. FORAVE is also an active partner of the enterprises, the community and the local associations. At the moment there are, at our school, four different level IV courses, a Technical Course in Company Management, a Technical Course in Industrial Maintenance, a Technical Course in Electronics, Automation and Control and a Technical Course in Food Quality Control, strongly supported by the biggest international companies located in the region.

Our school is situated in the Ave Valley, an industrialized region and our main aim is the preparation of qualified youngsters, who can answer to the demands of the market and who can live creative, fruitful and successful lives.


General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military Academy of Land Forces (MALF)

General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military Academy of Land Forces in Wroclaw (MALF) is the inheritor of the traditions of Polish Army and the universal values of national education. Its intellectual heritage derives from the tradition of military education of the period of the First Republic, when the Knights‘ School was created in 1765.

The essence of our academic mission was, and continues to be, to educate the competent officers of the Polish Army as well as wise and responsible citizens of our homeland. Ensuring high-quality of education and awareness of the responsibility for the standards and effects of educational services, remains the most important role of all employees of our Academy and our duty to future generations. As an academic community, we recognize the following fundamental values: patriotism and humanism, respect and the search for truth, human solidarity, ethics in education and research, and traditions of the military education.


GILT – Graphics, Interaction and Learning Technologies - R&D group

GILT – Graphics, Interaction and Learning Technologies – is a R&D group of ISEP (Institute of Superior Engineering of Porto).
The genesis of the group is, on the one hand the work of researchers from ISEP in Learning-Technologies, and on the other hand, the previous scientific experience in the group of Computer Graphics and CAD of INESC -Porto.
GILT seeks to establish the basis for a systematic work on research and development and to promote the group's mission, linking it with post-graduate activities, especially at Masters and PhD and through joint initiatives with other institutions, public or private, national or international.
The activities of this research group are divided into the following areas:



Globalturn strives to help, ease and simplify the process of going abroad to do an internship for students in Denmark. We connect students with companies in their field of interest. Not only guidance will be offered regarding the placement but we also offer guidance in practical aspects. We are using our network in order to realise a win-win situation for the student as well as for the company. Globalturn is specialized in finding the right internships which matches the students’ wishes.

Globalturn is located in Odense, Denmark.


IADE-U Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise - University

IADE-U Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise - University is the new official name of the oldest college institution of design in Portugal.

IADE arrived in 2012 to a new stage in its long journey of more than four decades and becomes an University. It is an achievement that results from the capacity of creation, transmission and dissemination of culture, knowledge, science and technology, through education and research. IADE has been a laboratory of creativity, talent and leadership recognized generally throughout society. It has been able to lead all students to experimentation and success and encourages people to test their own talent, to accept taking risks, simply to believe in themselves, making them the best of the best, in life or in future professional integration.

Today we are the largest school of Design in the country and we are among the first in Marketing, Advertising and Photography, both in number of students, quality of its teaching and research, and also (but not least) active participation in international networks.



The world is changing dramatically, and it is innovative companies like IBM who are driving this transformation. For over 100 years, we have been at the forefront of technology creating innovative solutions and products that have changed the world in which we live. Today we are one of the largest technology and consulting companies in the world with over 450,000 employees. Working with IBM you’ll have unmatched opportunities to do meaningful work such as helping doctors develop personalised, more effective treatments for cancer, improving energy production, easing traffic congestion and finding smarter ways to manage the world’s water supply.

We employ talented people in almost every area so no matter where your talents and aspirations lie, we’ll have a job to suit you. So whether it’s a year out as part of your degree, a summer internship or a graduate job, make us the first place you apply. At IBM you’ll be given everything you need to build the career you want in an organisation where you can help tackle the world’s biggest problems.


INCA – Sistemas Innformáticos e Serviços, Lda

We are an IT Company since 1991. Our market is very broad, from the particular client, entities and state institutions, from micro enterprises to large multinationals.
INCA is responsive to the needs of our customers by offering Technical Resources, Materials and Human highest quality. We seek to constantly be above any competition, being constantly in training, which puts us in the market as the only company in the district of Santarém with major certifications of the world's largest manufacturers of hardware and software, such as Microsoft Certified Partner, HP Gold Preferred Partner, Cisco Select Partner, Toshiba Mobility Partner among other hugely important. We offer students come to Inca either to do curricular apprenticeships or applied research, and are invited to solve major challenges in a creative manner. Our focus is Internet online scoring multi-platform and storage of medical information in private cloud.


INFOTA Research Institute of the Foundation for Information Society (ITA)

The Foundation for Information Society (ITA) established in 1997 aims at supporting the development of information technology in Hungary. In the spirit of its Founding Articles, it supports IT-focusing scientific activities and research with special regard to the development of computer-infrastructure in Hungary. ITA's primary objective is to facilitate application-centred understanding of information and knowledge management, its electronic data processing and information technology background together with the relevant human, organisational, legal, social, management and scientific aspects, as well as its interdisciplinary approach adopted in Hungary. This is the basic concept constituting a background for all research areas wherefrom individual research topics, analyses and projects aim to explore different elements within the framework of INFOTA Research Institute working under the umbrella of the Foundation.


INNOTECS – International Network of Technical Schools

INNOTECS - INternational Network Of TEChnical Schools is an International organisation for Deans and Directors of Technical Schools, mainly focused on Vocational Educational Training level and High School level.

INNOTECS is a forum to promote the discussion on the integration of VET with the labour market and the wider education system, to share information in a sustainable way and to promote mutual trust and transparency in order to contribute to mobility and a better balance on the European labour market.

INNOTECS is an International network for Technical VET schools and schools for Higher Education in Technique aiming to deal with the future challenges coming from the European Labour market.


Institute inter.research e.V.

The Institute of interdisciplinary research inter.research e.V. is a non-profit association, which acts as a link between different academic disciplines and between academic and non-academic organisations. It was founded in 1999 with support of the Fulda University and a regional Software Company. Members of the association are from the academic as well as enterprise area.
The institute has gained experiences in a number of interdisciplinary projects at regional and international level in the areas of Computer Mediated Education, Human Computer Interaction and University/enterprise mobility. The Institute disposes of expertise in the area of management of mobility programmes targeted to students, graduates and entrepreneurs, virtual learning communities, multimedia e-learning modules, (electronic) project management and quality assurance. It is responsible for the Management of the OPEN-EYE Erasmus mobility for young entrepreneurs projects ( and runs together with the University of Applied Sciences Fulda Erasmus and Leonardo da Vinci practical learning mobility projects. It runs online courses in its academy ( Those online courses form part of the learning environment of international placements, as each intern will receive an accompanying intercultural and career training. Thanks to instruments such as the online training the Erasmus and Leonardo mobility projects have received awards as "good practice projects" by the National Agencies BIBB and DAAD.
The Institute, furthermore, acts as a research support office for the University of Applied Sciences Fulda.


Institute of Higher Education "Filippo Brunelleschi-Leonardo da Vinci"

The Institute of Higher Education "Filippo Brunelleschi-Leonardo da Vinci" of Frosinone is a Public Institute with the following fields of study: Technical Institute for Surveyors section (Construction, Environment and Territory), Section Economic Technical Institute (Administration, Finance and Marketing and Business Information systems, International Relations for Marketing). It also provides a section of adult education with evening courses for Accountants and Surveyors and a section in the local prison.

Number of students enrolled: 790. Among them are many foreign students of various ethnic groups (Romanians, Albanians, Chinese, Brazilian, Congolese, Moroccans, Egyptians). The staff of faculty and staff totaled 110 units.

He has participated in numerous public announcements, on various issues by completing all the projects successfully. It is a Test Center accredited for the achievement of the ECDL, European Computer Driving Licence, EUCIP CORE and Trinity English exams.

In PTOF (Triennial Plan Training Offer) there are projects related to new technologies and international partnerships. In particular, the institute was awarded the project cl @ sse 2.0 for experimenting with new teaching methods with the use of ICT; the wireless project for the expansion of the network. It is also one of the few Italian schools to have adhered to the GARR network to ultra broadband that connects the world's universities and research institutions. On the territory of Frosinone the Institute works with passion and commitment to achieve the educational goals of all students using the tools that school autonomy allows schools such as: the 'flexible articulation of school, open classes, the weekly organization of activities. Among the projects that carries school should be mentioned the European projects, Erasmus plus, for the training of teachers, eTwinning, the scale of mobility of pupils, experiences of school-work in Italy and abroad. These facilities include the internship abroad lasting three weeks carried out by our students in Malta and the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Germany and United kingdom.

The strong innovative value of assets are recognized also by the local authorities, the Chamber of Commerce, Unioncamere and Aspiin of Frosinone, as well as by the Provincial and the City of Frosinone.

The IIS-Brunelleschi da Vinci has been identified by the Ministry of Education as a center for the provision of school English courses for primary school teachers, English courses for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) for school teachers secondary of the province of Frosinone

In this school year it was again credited as a venue for the provision of CLIL methodology courses which will start soon in agreement with the University of Rome. Also having signed agreements with the main universities of the region, it is home to accredited teacher training and for the Internship Training Assets (TFA) on the different disciplines.

Since last year, the Institute is a center for the initial training of newly hired teachers.

Teachers are therefore particularly interested in furthering their education in order to broaden the cultural horizons towards internationalization.


[email protected]
[email protected]


Instituto Politécnico de Beja

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja – brief description

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja), located in the south of Portugal, is a professional and research oriented public higher education institution.

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja), located in the south of Portugal, is a professional and research oriented public higher education institution.

As far as international cooperation is concerned, the IPBeja is deeply committed with strengthening its cooperation ties by expanding partners and integrating new international projects and challenges.

Currently the IPBeja manages a framework of more than 120 partners worldwide, comprising Higher Education Institutions, Research Centers and Enterprises. Despite the mobility of students and lectures, the IPBeja also participates in several international cooperation and research projects.

To integrate international students, assure academic quality and sociocultural integration, the IPBeja offers programmes and unit courses in English and provide foreign student with all the requested logistic and administrative support (accommodation, Lisbon airport pick up service, welcome programme and other cultural activities).

More information to international students:


Instituto Universitário da Maia - ISMAI

We are pleased to introduce the University Institute of Maia – ISMAI and we hope you will choose our University Institute.

At ISMAI, you will not only find outstanding education but also a large and modern university campus with excellent transport facilities, which include the Metro station ISMAI, right next to our university institute.

The atmosphere on campus is defined by cutting-edge technology and a close, almost family-like relationship with students.

The quality of ISMAI's degree programmes is nationally and internationally recognised.

All courses are accredited by the Portuguese Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education and are taught by highly qualified academic staff. The number of teachers who hold a PhD degree is highly above the number required by law.

ISMAI is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

ISMAI students benefit from personalised support from our Vice-Rector's Office for International Relations and the International Relations Office, which is always available to provide the support they need to facilitate their integration in the academic community.

We hope to see you at ISMAI soon

Contact person : Alexandra Isabel Alves Neves

e-mail: [email protected]

web page:


International Center for Entrepreneurship

International Center for Entrepreneurship (eEnte) offers professional seminars, trainings, workshops, consultancy and research in: Entrepreneurship, Economics, Management, EU Law, International Relations, International Law and Organizations.

eEnte offers also complex support for organization of public events. The company was established as the winning project in the EU Fund competition organized by Foundation of Local Democracy in Wroclaw/Poland.

Contact: Aga Klucznik-Toro, Ph.D. ()


Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD)

The Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD) is one of the Portuguese R&D Units, which is a member of INESC TEC, being also designated by LIAAD/INESC TEC. Currently LIAAD has 63 members, 30 of which are PhD researchers. LIAAD has a close connection to the Faculty of engineering from the university of Porto since 12 of its PhD researchers are professors of that faculty. The Unit was originated from another research unit (LIACC) with a long path of 23 years and significant experience in the field. The main research areas are:


Mahzabin Associates

Being an extension crosswise over societies and backing for scholarly quest for the more youthful era is our main goal.

Our accomplished instruction instructors are prepared to prompt students on courses and vocation opportunities as indicated by their instructive foundation, intrigues, fitness, and yearnings. Have a wide system with instruction suppliers; we can propose an extensive variety of study alternatives and projects to address the students' needs.

Mahzabin Associates is an overall administration supplier. Our consideration and concern proceed however the students have left their nation of origin. Our Dhaka office can offer first-hand assistance to students studying in local institutions, including airport pickup services, helping arrange home-stays and even opening bank accounts. We likewise stay in standard contact with our students and liaise with colleges and folks in observing students' advancement.

For student examining in different parts of abroad, we guarantee that we just work with instruction suppliers that can offer an exclusive expectation of scholarly accomplishment and student support, and we would keep up standard contact with our students.

Contact : Mohan Dewan, E-mail: [email protected]

More information to international students:


Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University includes  4 institutions which have graduate training programs, 5 faculties and 5 higher schools which have undergraduate training programs, and 8 vocational schools, 8 research centers, 6 departments connected to rectorship, 16.500 students and 1000 personnels, which make Mehmet Akif Ersoy University as an important foundation among other universities.
Furthermore, our university has been progressing day by day owing to its qualified education, research projects and scientific studies.



Mobicage is an ICT company with their headquarters based in Ghent in Belgium and an office in Cairo (Egypt).
Their main brand is Rogerthat. Rogerthat is a platform for automating communication between organizations and people, using rich, interactive messages on a smartphone or on a PC.
Mobicage has already experience with offering placements & projects to European students.


Open University of Cyprus

Open university of Cyprus
Open University of Cyprus (OUC) is a newly established (2002) state University in Cyprus. It is the first and only Higher Education Institution in Cyprus that provides open and distance education at the undergraduate (BSc) and postgraduate (Master and PhD) level. OUC also offers training and vocational programs aiming to satisfy the increasing demand for Lifelong Learning and continuing education.
OUC has the following Faculties: Pure and Applied Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Economics and Management. The University offers ECTS-based courses to 4500 students: three (3) undergraduate degree programs of study, fourteen (14) Master’s & ten (10) PhD programs, employing nineteen (19) fulltime and three hundred and fifty (350) adjunct faculty members.
Contact Person: Mr. Michalis Savva, University Officer, Research Services & Mrs. Elena Gregoriou, Head, Students Welfare Services


Opole University of Technology

The Opole University of Technology (OUTech) is the largest technical institution in the Region with a significant position and tradition, providing education mostly in the area of technical science but also in the fields of management, tourism, sport and physiotherapy. The University is located in the south-west part of Poland, in the beautiful city of Opole - the region largest cultural, economic, academic and scientific centre as well as the Capital of Polish Song.
OUTech has around 12000 students


Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri

Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri ( is a subsidized higher education (EQF level 5) and Vocational Education and Training centre (EQF level 3) in the Basque Region. Each year the centre provides high quality technical and adult training for over 400 full time students and 1000+ adult part time learners. The college specializes in: Telecommunications and Information Technology, Robotics, Sales and Commercial Management, Mechanical Design, Mechanical Production, and Environmental Education.

Politeknika Txorierri belongs to the HETEL network of 20 subsidized VET schools in the Basque Region providing Vocational education and training to over 8000 full time vocational students ( The network shares innovation practices, internationalization and mobility organization and technical projects.

Politeknika Txorierri operates as a Cooperative and forms part of the Mondragon Group with a strong emphasis on community and cooperative ethics. The Mondragon Group ( is a business group made up of 289 companies and entities and 15 Technology Centres.

Since 2013, The Politeknika is also an associated member of the neighboring Science and Technology Park of Bizkaia ( and has collaboration agreements with key business and industrial clusters in the Basque Country which permits close collaboration between businesses and the college. Several projects are in place in the Politeknika such as “Asmaola” in which 8 key Basque colleges offer innovation support and infrastructures to SMEs in the region.

Politeknika Txorierri has a strong embedded QUALITY culture. The centre was the first VET school in Bizkaia to earn the Golden Q Award for QUALITY management in 2005 based on the EQFM Quality Model.


Contact: Anabel Menica

[email protected]


Polytechnic Institute of Viseu

The Polytechnic Institute of Viseu includes 6 units: 5 higher schools - School of Education, School of Technology, School of Agriculture, School of Technology and Management (in the city of Lamego), School of Nursing; and The Welfare Services. Presently this institution has about 7000 students and 400 teachers.
The mission of PIV is the high level qualification of students, the construction of knowledge, the scientific, technologic, artistic and cultural formation of students as well as the development and participation in activities having in mind the needs of the surrounding The Polytechnic Institute of Viseu is a state higher education institution aimed at constructing and disseminating knowledge, carrying out research activities and training professionals, in order to promote sustainable development and quality of life in the region.
This institution is guided by fundamental values such as multidimensional training, respect for rights, active participation of all, ethical commitment towards society, excellence and autonomy.
Constant efforts are being made with the objective of building an institution with national and international visibility, based on excellence at the levels of teaching, scientific and cultural production and on its contribution to effective regional and national development and also to equal opportunities.


Portuguese Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency

Portuguese Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency
The Portuguese Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency has the mission of managing the Erasmus+ Programme in the areas of Education and Training, execution and completion of on-going LLP tasks and projects, Erasmus Mundus and Tempus IV in Portugal. The National Agency also assumes the responsibility of publicizing the E+ programme, follow and evaluate projects and explore its results, as deemed adequate for the programme goals, contributing to the development of the Portuguese education system as well as to increasing the Portuguese qualification level.



Logo practican
NGO "Jauniesu konsultacijas” started in year 2003. It has been established by students from biggest universities in Latvia. Main aim of JK is to prepare Latvian young people to be successful and competent in national and global labor market. During this time we have organised more than 10 annual project that each year involves more than 20 000 young people and 3000 companies. In year 2011 we established Ltd and from year 2014 expand internationally with project"



Project lever

Project Lever helps students find faculty advisors. We create automatically updatable profiles of faculty advisors, grants, and student projects. We visualize data and match students with opportunities.

Project Lever connects students with faculty mentors at their universities. We automatically collect information on faculty members from sources both within and outside of the university. We present this information to students in the form of comprehensive and automatically updated faculty profiles, along with information on grants, courses, and previously completed student projects. The resources that we offer to students can be customized for the unique needs of the university students and faculty.

“Project Lever exemplifies the very best in educational technology thinking and design. It’s a simple, brilliantly executed idea that could have a very real impact on college campuses.”

– Glenn B. Magid, Harvard, Assistant Dean of Advising


Regional contact point for European placements Fulda (Germany)

The University of Applied Sciences Fulda and the Institute for interdisciplinary Research inter.research e.V. jointly run the regional contact for European traineeships, promoting practical learning mobility for a network of ten German Universities. The contact point coordinates Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Placements and Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs programmes.
The regional contact point will provide furthermore results and experiences from European Lifelong learning projects such as Uni-Key ( and Europemobility to the PRAXIS network.


Reunion Island University

12 000 students are admitted every year at six sites in St Denis (Moufia, Victoire, Bellepierre and the University Technology Park), Le Tampon and Saint Pierre. Through its research, international influence, range of courses on offer and student living conditions, the University of Reunion Island has many advantages that enable it to play a key role as an interface between Europe and the Indian Ocean.

The University of Reunion Island offers a whole range of full-time and vocational multi-disciplinary and diversified curricula:

The University of Reunion Island is composed of 5 Faculties, 3 Institutes, 1 Engineering School, 1 Teacher Training School, 1 Observatory of the Sciences of the Universe, 1 Training Centre and 1 Language Centre

Contact person : Dalila BENTALEB

e-mail: [email protected]

web page:


ROC Mondriaan

Vocational Education in The Netherlands, The Hague

ROC Mondriaan is an educational institute providing vocational education based in The Hague, The Netherlands. With approx. 18.000 students and almost 2.000 employees around more than 300 different educational courses are offered in subjects including Business Studies, Economics, International Hospitality and Tourism, Marketing, Welfare and Technology.

These programs last from several weeks up to three / four years depending on the course and consist of 4 levels from Assistant Operator to Middle Management. Alongside these programs for young people from the age of 16, the ROC Mondriaan also provides adult education to provide life-long learning opportunities and training programs for the unemployed. Most of the programs are fully subsidized by the Dutch government and are developed in close cooperation with the industry.

Mondriaan strongly believes that international cooperation between VET institutes and internationally oriented organizations benefit our students, teachers and curriculum. As a leading educational institute in vocational training, Mondriaan desires to be part of international developments. We would like to develop contacts with educational institutes, commercial organizations and others who are interested in international cooperation.

The areas in which we would like to cooperate with international partners include the exchange of knowledge, teachers and students. In recent years we have developed an innovative approach and we would like to share this with foreign exchange partners but we would also like to learn from the experiences of international partners. In the last ten years, successful international projects have been carried out with partners in Europe, China, Australia and Turkey.

September 2016


ROC Nijmegen


ROC Nijmegen is a Regional Teaching Centre (ROC). It offers students, both young and mature, courses in secondary vocational education and training (VET) and in adult education. In addition it provides contract teaching for companies and institutions. Approximately 9,000 students are enrolled at ROC Nijmegen. The centre has over 900 staff. The Netherlands has scores of ROCs. Some 40% of the inhabitants of the Netherlands are following or have followed a course at a ROC. In 2015 ROC Nijmegen received the VET Mobility Charter.


ROC Nijmegen educates young people and adults for a career. As far as possible we do this in cooperation with business. In this way the student receives a practical grounding which is a good preparation for a future job.

Nijmegen and surrounding areas

ROC Nijmegen consists of different sectors, each of which provides different, related coursesThere are also regional locations concerned solely with adult education.


Choosing ROC Nijmegen means choosing the future: there is a great shortage of well-trained employees in practical occupations. In addition many of our courses are very compatible with further study at higher vocational education level.

VET Mobility Charter

The VET Mobility Charter commits ROC Nijmegen to carry out mobilities of quality and will be valid until the end of the ERASMUS+ programme. National Agencies are responsible for ensuring that VET Mobility Charter Holders respect the qualitative standards on a continuous basis.

Contact: Johan Neijenhuis [email protected]



Sataedu offers high-quality education for young people, adults and those in working life.

We train young people for more than 20 professions, enhance professional competence for adults and offer tailored training events for entrepreneurs and enterprises.

Sataedu has 2500 students. Their education, services and regional development duties lie in the hands of 200 competent Sataedu employees.

The Satakunta Educational Federation utilises the multidisciplinary competence and international contacts of the various fields in its internationalisation efforts. Sataedu has an active cooperation network consisting of European educational institutions, which enables mobility, international projects and on-the-job learning abroad. Internationalisation is a target-oriented and visible part of Sataedu's operations.


Contact: Marko Kemppinen

[email protected]


School of Arts and Humanities – Faculdade de Letras

The School of Arts and Humanities – Faculdade de Letras- it’s the biggest school of arts and humanities in Portugal.
Founded in 1911, this institution is characterized as: Actual, Classic, Creative, Innovative and International.


SignUp! Language Institute

Sign Up! Language Institute is a learning center that specializes in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. Our professional team has previous experience in the Cervantes Institute, in European and American universities and other national and international institutions. We offer a truly global cultural and language experience - by combining language, culture and work.

How can you complete your training at Sign Up!? With us you can reinforce your language learning by doing a professional internship. We offer both paid and unpaid internships and for both we require the completion of a language course. Once you have completed the course, you will start the internship you have been placed in.



Spark is a creativity agency specialized in corporate culture and behavior management within teams. In this field we work with some of the most bright and innovative companies in Portugal. These are some of our awesome clients: BMW, EDP, PT, Pfizer, Bial, Vison-Box, CTT, SATA, Truphone, Açoreana Seguros, ACP, Acústica Médica, Alves Bandeira, Ana, ANF, AXA, Banif, BES, Bial, HP, Brodheim, Caixa Crédito Agrícola, Century21, Lilly, Cofidis, Continental, Daimler, COSEC, Decathlon, Era, Labesfal, Ferring, Fiat, Fidelidade, Glintt, Hospital Privado de Braga, Janssen, Astrazeneca, Lidl, L’Oréal, Lusiaves, Lusomedicamenta, Maksen, Lusitânia Vida, Manz Les Mills, Mapfre, MDS, Medinfar, Mendes e Gonçalves, Multiópticas, Merck (MSD), Metalcon, Miranda e Associados, Montepio, Nextira One, Optimus, Nutricia, Pecol, Páginas Amarelas, PHC, PWC, Procalçado, PUIG, REdbull, Remax, Royal Canin, Safira, Santander Consumer, Saphety, Soares da Costa, TAP, Tecnifar, Vodafone, Wedo Technologies, Truewind-Chiron, Zurich, Uniarme, Vitas, Wurth, Banco Best.

We believe that somehow we’re gonna change the universe and that’s why half of our time is invested tackling youth unemployment with our framework Pitch Bootcamp, a two days program that gets closer students and graduates with companies. In 2013 we helped tocreate 180 jobs in 12 editions that got together 1200 youngsters with +400 companies. The best way to grab the atmosphere is to check it out @ Our mission to buildEurope’s leading job accelerator is coming together, step by step.

We love TED and have been honored with the privilege to share some of our projects at: TEDx Braga (, TEDx Porto (, TEDx Viana ( & TEDx Luanda (
Spark is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one.


Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly

T.E.I. of Thessaly was established as a tertiary education institution in 1983. It is the third largest Technological Educational Institution in Greece and comprises 4 Schools, 2 branches in Karditsa and Trikala and 18 academic departments altogether. Its strategic goal is to continuously improve the quality of the courses and the educational services offered as well as to promote knowledge through a variety of research programs.
The department Computer Science and Engineering was founded in 1999. Studies focus on the science and applications of information technology and organization and administration of information network and telecommunications.
The graduates of the department have the theoretical and technological knowledge and skills required for a professional career in the competitive fields of computing and telecommunications.


Technological Educational Institution of Epirus

The Technological Educational Institution of Epirus, following a dynamic course since the first years of its establishment, has attained and constantly cultivates a high level of production and dissemination of knowledge, offering its members – students, professors, and administrative staff – an academic environment full of life and creativity. Growing rapidly and flexibly, the Institution hosts today 12.000 students in its 13 Departments and 4 Schools. It employs research and teaching staff with high academic qualifications who offer their services in support of research and the national economy, constantly promoting knowledge and effective education of its students.


The Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice

The Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice
The Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice is a dynamically developing public higher education institution, offering practice-focused academic programmes, designed to develop practical skills. The Institute of Technology and Business has links to the industrial and business sectors that are actively involved in the development and teaching of courses within their area of expertise. The compulsory internships allow the students to gain practical experience in business or industry and thereby increase their employability.


The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) is a higher education public institution with a defined mission in creating, transmitting and diffusing technical-scientific and professional knowledge through the articulation of study, teaching, applied research and experimental development. IPB belongs to the European Network for Universities of Applied Sciences (UASNET), which main objectives include the transferability of professional skills and the integration of applied research in their professional and technological education mission.
Founded in 1983, IPB is presently composed by five schools, 400 teachers and more than 7000 students. Its activities embraces a wide area of knowledge and technology, namely, arts, communication and multimedia, business sciences and law, education and teachers training, agriculture sciences and natural resources, health, tourism, sports, technologies and engineering. IPB has an internationalization programme with widely recognized success, including the annual mobility of more than 900 incoming and outgoing students and 200 teaching staff members, as the result of the collaboration with several European HEIs and with universities from the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries and all over the World.


The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL)

The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) is a public institution of higher education, at the service of society, dedicated to the production and diffusion of knowledge, creation, transmission and diffusion of culture, science, technology and arts, oriented research and experimental development.
Presently, IPL has about 12.000 students, 980 teachers, 316 non-teaching staff and modern facilities and equipment. The institution comprehends 5 Schools, an Institute for Research/Development and Advanced Studies, a Centre for Transference and Valorisation of Knowledge, a Distance Learning Unit, a Training Centre for Technological Specialization Courses, a Research Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development and Student Support Services.


The Technical University of Lisbon, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL)

The Technical University of Lisbon (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) is a state-owned institution and was founded in 1930
as an association of four pre-existing schools: Instituto Superior Técnico (School of Engineering), Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (School of Economics and Management), Instituto Superior de Agronomia (School of Agronomy) and Escola Superior de Medicina Veterinária (School of Veterinary Medecine).

Presently it comprises three more schools: Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (School of Political and Social Sciences, 1964), Instituto Superior de Educação Física (School of Physical Education, 1975) and Faculdade de Arquitectura (School of Architecture, 1983). The University is a decentralized institution and each school has its own campus, all in Lisbon.



TIMWE is a global provider of mobile enablement solutions, focused on Mobile Marketing, Mobile Entertainment, Mobile Money (mobile payments), Mobile Government and Internet of Things/M2M. Operating in more than 75 markets in five continents, managed through 27 offices, TIMWE has a strong presence in its core Latin American market and is rapidly expanding in a number of countries in Africa, the Asia Pacific region, Europe and the Middle East. In 2013, the company surpassed 500 M USD in revenues worldwide.


TOBB University of Economy and Technology

TOBB stands for Turkish Chambers of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges. Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey established TOBB university for the purpose of educating entrepreneurial and qualified community leaders. Started giving education 2004 it now has approximately 3500 students, with a campus in Ankara.



Tradium is a self-predominantly educational institution with approximately 3,300 annual equivalent students and 500 employees, and is thus among the largest combination schools in Denmark. Tradium was established in 2010 by the merger of two former institutions, a Business and a Technical College. Geographically, we offer training in 5 Campus in Jutland. The school offers a broad spectrum of youth education programmes (VET education, general upper secondary education etc.) and continuing VET activities such as AMU courses and commercial activities.


Contact person: Anne Birthe Mortensen

[email protected]



Treelogic is an R+D+i- intensive company which provides customers with information and communication technology-based solutions.Our  mission is to create, boost, develop and adapt scientific and technological knowledge and apply it to significantly improve quality standards in our daily life.




Turnia’s sole purpose to channelize the “Indomitable Human Spirit” and assist tour clients to reach greater heights through domestic and international education, work, travel, resettlement and business services.


Contact: AVI CHAUDHURY ( Co-Founder & COO)
Canada Office : Toronto
9 Heatherglen Road ,Toronto, Ontario, M9W 4P9
Phone: 647-921-6385 | Email:[email protected]


Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia

UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia is a private University founded in 1996 with a clear mission: to provide students with the knowledge and skills to serve society, to contribute to the further expansion of human knowledge through research as an integral part of the development of man and mankind, and to participate in the evangelical mission of the Catholic Church in the areas of education and culture.


Raquel Calatayud López
Telephone; 00 (34) 968 278 640
Fax; 00 (34) 968 278 600
E-mail: [email protected]

More information to international students:


Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias is the largest non-public University in Portugal. The University name comes from the word “Lusofonia” which names all the Portuguese speaking countries and their common linguistic and cultural background.

The university assumes itself as the leading institution responsible for the development of this geographical and cultural space with more than 200 million inhabitants.

With a student body of more than 12.000 students and 679 teachers, the university offers a very rich environment, either in scientific as in social and cultural terms. The large amount of foreign students studying here, namely the ones from Brazil and Africa, adds a lot to the already very lively University ambient.


University of Essex

The University of Essex, founded in 1964, is one of the UK’s leading academic institutions and the most internationally diverse campus-based university in Britain.  Ranked ninth in the UK for the quality of our research, and in the top 20 universities in the world that are less than 50 years old.  We are also ranked in the top 20 mainstream English universities for student satisfaction.  The University has more than 12,000 students on 3 campuses in Essex and partnerships with education institutions across the region.  We offer a broad spread of subjects across 18 academic departments and schools.  More than a quarter of Essex’s students are postgraduates with more than 3,000 international students, drawn from over 135 different countries.


University of Huelva

The University of Huelva, founded in 1993, is one of Spain’s newest and most dynamic universities. The university’s aim is to provide quality teaching and research, as well as to promote economic, environmental and cultural developments in the city and province. We are an international university that is committed to the region. Close links have been forged with local businesses, whereby students are offered work placements in order to facilitate their incorporation into the work force. The research conducted by the University has a strong impact and directly benefits our community. The university has more than 12,000 students on 3 campuses and offers a wide range of subjects both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Our unique environment combines with these features to make Huelva a distinctive university and a special place to be a student.


Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice

Upper Secondary School of Chemistry Pardubice

Upper Secondary School of Chemistry (SPSCH) is a state school established in 1953. It offers education in these study programmes:
- Applied Chemistry with specializations in Analytical Chemistry, Chemical-pharmaceutical Production, Pharmaceutical Substancies, and Analyses of Chemical and Biological Materials.
- Fire Protection
- Cosmetic Services
- Safety and Legal Studies.
It also offers two vocational programmes: Hairdresser and Chemist.

At present it has 1004 students. There are 141 employees, 105 of them being teachers.

The school is situated in the region with highly developed chemical and electro technical industry.

One of its priorities is cooperation with social partners. Among the most important belong Synthesia a.s., SYNPO a.s., University of Pardubice, Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, Population Protection Institute.

School is a member of several international and national networks/groups:

Since 2012 the school has been a member of the net CREDCHEM Network and participates in implementation of European credit system in vocational education and training – ECVET for a chemistry sector.

The school actively promote STEM activities: organize and host national “Young Chemist” competition, host AMAVET competition, organize VET skill week, joins Road Show in promotion of Chemistry as a profession for elementary, primary and high schools and joins other initiatives related to raising awareness of STEM.

The school is a center of lifelong learning and creates new study programmes for adults as well. It has the right to use the logo of Responsible Care which is an international recognition for responsible behaviour in chemistry.

The school has implemented the quality management system ISO 9001:2008. The teaching staff is of the high quality with also lots of experiences with managing and working in national and international projects. The school has excellent conditions for teaching in newly rebuilt classes and labs.

The school is actively cooperating with universities and companies in the region. They are focusing on innovation development in many areas (e.g. chemistry) and support young person’s development and preparation for labour market (personally and professionally). There are many different activities organized after school activities: organizes a skiing course, a summer outdoor course, sport days, sport tournaments, open days for public, activities for primary school children and many excursions. Students can attend after-school courses such as a photography club, volleyball and basketball training and a self-defense course.

Students use modern classes equipped with interactive boards or data projectors, a school library, a gym, a fitness centre, a school playground, a canteen. There is a laser shooting range, a criminology lab, a training fire tower, modern chemical laboratories and hairdressing and beauty salons.

Need to mention that all teachers play important role in young person’s development and shaping their mindset, guide them in decision making for their future. Therefore, we see great input in teachers as youth workers’ professional development and giving them creative tools via non-formal education that will be integrated in formal education.

The school has extensive experience in international cooperation. It is constantly active in international projects from 1997 as coordinator and partner (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Erasmus+ KA1, KA2). Therefore, school teachers and administrative staff has experience in different activities (mobilities, developing tools, curriculum, etc.). All school staff is motivated and eager to support internationalization.

Contact person :

web page:


V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University with its over 200-year history is a leading Research and Educational Institution in Ukraine.
In the “Top-200 Ukraine” rating conducted by the UNESCO Chair for 2009 Kharkiv University ranks third among all Ukrainian Higher Educational Institutions. According to Scopus, the world’s largest abstract and citation database, the University holds the third position among Ukrainian Research and Educational Institutions by the number of articles published in the leading international scientific publications.
Today the University has 20 Schools and 125 Departments which provide training for specialists in 61 majors.


Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute (IPVC)

Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute (IPVC)

The Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute (IPVC) was founded in 1980. Is a regional institution, whose aims are a qualified human, cultural, scientific, technical and professional training, to carry out necessary research to accomplish its mission and to cooperate with the regional community of Alto-Minho, particularly with its productive and entrepreneurial sectors. The IPVC is made up of six Schools: Agrarian (ESA), Education (ESE), Health (ESS), Business Studies (ESCE), Sports and Leisure (ESDL) and Technology and Management (ESTG), offering undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses, these last very often in collaboration with national and international polytechnics and universities. Also promotes Master courses and specialization courses.

The IPVC is a community of students and qualified professionals, located in the northwest of Portugal, aware that the progress of society ensures the harmonious development of persons and their performance. Joined together in the same mission: to create, manage and disseminate knowledge and culture, through processes of education/learning, research, transfer of technology and knowledge.


Vilnius College of Technologies and Design

Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija) consists of 4 faculties: the Civil Engineering Faculty, the Design Faculty, the Petras Vileisis Railway Transportation Faculty, and the Technical Faculty. They boast over 3500 students and 350 professors and other staff members. Vilnius College of Technologies and Design is an institution of higher education offering over twenty full-time study programs, partial studies through exchange programs, as well as informal study courses and training.
Vilnius College of Technologies and Design maintains close relations with partners in Lithuania and abroad and is continuously updating study programs, improving the qualifications of their teaching staff and upgrading their training facilities. They ensure that their students enjoy the best possible training and living conditions, with the language learning and distance learning centers, 50 laboratories, 5 drawing rooms, a TOYOTA technical training center, 3 libraries and renovated dormitories.


VOKA (The Chamber of Commerce East Flanders)

The Chamber of Commerce East Flanders originated early 2000 after a merger of three district Chambers of Commerce: Ghent-Eeklo, Dendermonde and South East-Flanders (Aalst, Oudenaarde-Ronse). The Chamber is not a government agency, but an independent and cross-sector business organization that can depend upon a very long tradition.

The Chamber of Commerce in Ghent was established in 1729, while similar organizations arose in other cities of the province in the middle of the 19 century: Aalst (1841), Dendermonde (1842), Oudenaarde (1854) and Ronse (1899). Since 1875, the Belgian Chambers of Commerce – once started as public institutions – have a private statute and function by and for companies, who voluntarily join as members.

Since 2004 the East-Flemish Chamber, along with 7 other Flemish Chambers and the Flemish Economic Association (VEV), form Voka, the Flemish network of enterprises. It represents more than 18,000 companies in Flanders and Brussels, and accounts for 65% of private employment and 66% of the added value in Flanders.

As the closest and most influential professional network of entrepreneurs and as a representative employers organization in East Flanders, Voka East Flanders wants to create an optimal framework for successful entrepreneurship and thus wants to contribute fundamentally to the prosperity and welfare of its region.


Volgograd State Technical University

Volgograd State Technical University is one of the largest universities in the Volga region,an institution of higher education with versatile activities, preparing highly-qualified specialists in compliance with the multistage system of education - Bachelors of Science, Certified Specialists and Masters of Science.
The university's scientific schools are well known in both our country and abroad. International cooperation with foreign educational institutions is being carried forward.



WeWoW is a Portuguese information technologies company established on 21st January 2011 with its head-office situated in Maia (Porto District), a location of excellence, considering the company’s business is information technologies and there is a provision of qualified resources in the region, namely universities situated in Braga, Porto and Aveiro. The company is involved in the provision of services related to IT, thanks to a wealth of experience by its founders, already having created and launched other similar business ventures with great success.


WorkSpace Europe

WorkSpace Europe is the only Slovak Consortium of Higher Education Institutions for Erasmus traineeships, accredited by European Commission.
As a consortium coordinator we manage and administrate the Erasmus traineeships abroad for students of 9 Slovak Universities and help them to find host organisations for their traineeships abroad and oversee their quality and progress.

At the other side we organize Erasmus traineeships for foreign trainees in Slovakia within our wide network of companies, NGOs and other host organizations we cooperate with. We are a partner of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and other slovak business associations as an experienced specialists in Erasmus traineeships.


Yalova Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Our school, Yalova Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, was established in 1976 in Yalova, Turkey, on an area of 20,041 m2 and started to provide education-teaching services with the machine department and electricity department. The school has a total of 12 classrooms, 1 physics laboratory, 1 technology laboratory, 1 teacher's room and a new building with a 42-class teaching building, 2 information technology workshops and 2 multipurpose hangar type workshops. Our school has become a giant educational campus.

Our school has got 9 areas for education and training. Computer Technologies, Electrical and Electronics Technology, Construction Technology, Chemical Technology, Machine Technology, Metal Technology, Furniture and Interior Design, Textile Technology and Air Conditioning tecnology.

Our school is a vocational technical secondary education institution affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education. Consists of 1 director, 1 chief assistant, 7 assistant principals, 72 vocational course teachers, 45 culture course teachers, 1 treasurer, 5 technicians, 1 Security and five assistant servants. There are 1446 students at our school

Contact person : Serkan YAVASCAOGLU

e-mail: [email protected]

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