Paid Market research internship in Ireland

Last updated 2016-05-20


The Intern has to be ERASMUS or ERASMUS+ funded to do this internship.
This company would also really like Nordic speakers as well as Germans, Polish and other Eastern Europeans for language reasons.

Euro Internships is an Irish based Company. 
We offer internships free of charge to European Students which are Erasmus funded.
We match interns with Irish companies, so you can get practical experience in your chosen field of study.

Overview of Company:
Do an internship in Market Research in the Beautiful city of Galway :)
Applicants should have an interest in Market Research. This would include having an interest learning about databases and analytics used within the company. 
The Company also require applicants who are punctual, work on their own initiative and can communicate well both in-person and over the phone.
The company has been in operation for 30 years and the European office has been in operation for approx. 6 years. 

The Company provide value for their customers by gathering, confirming, disseminating and updating information about industrial plants and their spending activities around the world so that they can make timely and intelligent business decisions. Their researchers contact plant owners, engineering and construction firms and equipment vendors to identify and confirm information on industrial assets and spending opportunities that is then disseminated in a powerful web-based solution.

This is a paid internship to the Value of €150 per week.

Duties to be done Day to Day:
The ideal candidate would be interested in Market research.
The intern would be using databases and analytics day to day to research the industrial industry to help the company.
There will be a mentor helping the intern day to day so you reach your full potential.

It could be a great opportunity to improve the english language and to learn new things about your field of study!
What are you waiting for? Enjoy with us!


This internship is Paid.

The Company will provide you an accomodation.

Assistance provided by Euro Internship in providing links to accommodation in the Galway area. 



Euro Internships



Study Domain(S)

Educational Research

Valid until




Study Degree
