PAID Internship in France - Marketing, Hospitality, Administration, Tourism, Events

Last updated 29 March 2015


The « Work in France » program is a year-round program.

Study Abroad Europe helps participants secure a job in France. All efforts will be done to help participants find a job in their desired region or city but Study Abroad Europe can’t guarantee a specific region or city. Participants must be flexible in terms on location. Jobs can be in Paris, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, or any city in France.

The summer is the busiest time of year for seasonal jobs, particularly in the Atlantic and Mediterranean cities, as this is the main tourist season in France. The Christmas period and winter vacations in February are also very popular in the ski resorts of the Alps.

Paris offers job possibilities all year round and during the summer season in tourism-related positions.

Generally speaking, participants in the « Work in France » program are usually offered entry-level jobs in the tourism and hospitality industry, retail stores, restaurants, pubs, call centres, telemarketing, ski resorts. Other options are work in basic administration positions or clerical work, promotional work, temporary work for special events or fairs, factory work or teaching their mother-tongue as a foreign language. A participant with visions of securing a highly paid professional job under the « Work in France » program will be disappointed.

Job related skills

• Be at least 18 years old 
• Be a full-time student at a tertiary institution (university, college …) in their home country 
• Hold a valid passport (or identity card for European nationals) 
Be able to communicate effectively in French and be familiar with the French terminology of their study field 
• Have sufficient funds to cover living expenses for the duration of the program 
• Have an appropriate insurance 
• Be mature, flexible, open-minded, able to adapt and willing to experience new situations


Salary: The minimum wage in France is at 9.40 € / hour gross, which means 1,425.67 Euros brut / month or 1,118.36

Euros net / month. Students may get tips or percentage on sales. All salaries are paid by check or bank wire at the end of each month, eventually at the beginning of next month. Participants can’t ask for an advance. They must arrive in France with sufficient funds for their first month of stay (minimum 1,500 Euros).

Schedule/working hours: The legal working hours in France is 35 hours a week. Depending on positions, students may work between 30 and 40 hours a week. We can’t guarantee the numbers of working hours, which is something depending on each employer. Timetable is flexible depending on positions and usually each employee have 2 days off a week (in case of working overtime, number of days off may be reduced and a financial compensation will be given).

  • Duration: 2, to 12 months
  • Location: Paris, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, or any city in France.
  • Salary: Paid entry level jobs
  • Job Placement Cost: $ 1,690




Paris, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, or any city in France. (FRANCE)

Study Domain(S)

Hospitality, Sports, Recreation and Tourism, Business Administration, Marketing

Valid until

4 June 2015


English, French

Study Degree



Not Paid



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