At the moment the mobile robot TRACKED MERLIN III is using two different I2C busses and three UART connections. It enables its main microcontroller to communicate with slave devices like motor controllers and sensors. Furthermore it communicates with a small Linux pc which connects the mobile robot to the internet for remote control. Driving commands are already fully implemented. What is missing are commands which checks the status/availability of each bus slave and reports it to the ground station. Some driving commands of the robot require certain sensor values. In case those sensors are not available, a call of this robot commands should lead into an error report message in a way that the ground station is informed about the problem, but the robot software doesn’t crash and doesn’t stop working and the robot is still able to complete other commands..
C programming, µC, electronics
The team member will learn to develop a complex, mechatronic plant. He/she will be able to transfer the methods, learned at university, into a real existing product.
Universität Siegen
Siegen (GERMANY)