Problem: The nursing practice-specific acts, such as reanimating, suturing, burn-dressings, and anesthesias, are quite painful for the patient. In current teaching practice, the most used resource includes simulated scenarios with the use of mannequins adapted to each specific case, which involves significant financial resources. The teaching of the practical component, in these cases, cannot be done in humans. The development of technological means and tools in the area of electronics and informatics opens a myriad of possibilities for integrating these means, namely in the teaching of the nursing practice. This project involves the creation of serious game(s), using virtual or augmented reality, to complement the teaching/learning process of the practical components in this area.
Objectives: Improve the training of intrusive nursing acts, making them less stressful for the nursing student. With this goal in mind, a serious game will be developed, supported by virtual/augmented reality, which will allow the nursing student to become familiar with the use of these innovative practices.
Information technologies
Writing and communication
Specific technical skills to be detailed with the applicant according to the research field
Improve the training of intrusive nursing acts, making them less stressful for the nursing student
Contribute to enlarging the training possibilities in the nursing teaching/learning processes