Internship @Tech Startups Belgium

Last updated23 September 2020


Our imec.istart startups are always looking for talent!

Find our Internship and job Opportunities at our career page

Join our talentpool : Send your CV directly to [email protected]

We will share your profile & preferences with our 200+ startups.

Who Are We

imec.istart is The Belgium Tech Accelerator, supporting >180 Tech startups. Our startups are looking for talent with a passion for innovation and technology. 

Portfolio startups:


Here are 5 reasons why you should take the plunge and enter the startup world:

1. You’ll have more responsibility: Working at a startup probably means you’re part of a small team, most likely in the single digits. Because of the nature of having such a small team, there is probably nobody else in the company who has the same skillset as you, approaches problems in the same way you do, or even thinks the same way you do.

2. You’ll be given more opportunities: Working at a startup offers a different type of reward: an incentive-based system that isn’t based on dollars, but rather in skills attained and opportunities seized. The experience will outweigh the pay cut.

3. You’ll be able to do a lot of different things

4. You will learn from true innovators: Entrepreneurs are defined by seeing a problem and thinking of an innovative and original way of addressing it. Because of this innovative nature, entrepreneurs are some of the best people to learn from. They approach problems differently, are constantly finding solutions, and are driven to make the most out of their time and work.

5. Your work will be recognized (as will your failures): At a startup, it’s nearly impossible not to notice a job well done or to give credit where credit is due. If you succeed, the small team will recognize it instantly, and the praise and glory are yours to bask in. Spread your arms in glory, my friend, your work has been recognized.





Study Domain(S)

Design,Accounting,Business Administration,Economics,Finance,Human Resources Management,International Management,Marketing,Project management,Public Admnistration,Bio and Biomedical Engineering,Computer Science and IT,Environmental and Geo Engineering,Environmental Biotechnology,Environmental Technology,Informatics and Information Sciences,Communications

Vet Qualification(S)

Sales,Infrastructure technology (middle management),Operational technology,Desktop publishing,Media design,Application development,ICT and media management,ICT support,Logistics,Enrepreneurship retail trade,Sales,Commerce,Marketing, communications and events

Valid until

1 April 2025



Study Degree






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