Environmental forcing of zoopiankton in a Mediterranean reservoir. The case of Azibo reservoir. ( R.Douro catchment)

Last updated 2014-11-26


Submitted by a member of NOW Portugal Erasmus Consortium (www.nowportugal.pt)

The main objective of this placement are: to analize zooplankton seasonal and interanual variability and to assess the influence of several environmental factors( e.g. precipitation, temperature, total phosphorus, conductivity, pH, clorophyll a, trophic state) and phytoplankton on zooplanktonic community. This data is crucial for the development of adequate management measures in order to the reservoir get the good ecological status( sensu Water Frame Directive) and to predicte the effects of climate change in the reservoir ecological integrity.

This work is a part of a larger project with the aim of obtaining long term limnological data, which was put into practice in 2000 afterwards.

The working plan is related to finding bibliographic information, field work, lab work, data analysis and report making.

For any further information please contact:

Ana Maria Antão Geraldes: [email protected]


Job related skills

Aquintance with limnological science and aquatic ecology.



Polytechnic Institute of Bragança


Bragança (PORTUGAL)

Study Domain(S)

Biology, Chemistry

Valid until



English, Portuguese, Spanish

Study Degree

Bachelor, Master