Project Work and Internship: impacts on labour market and society
Our last event was on September 25 & 26, 2014 in Genova, Italy.
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Below you can find the programme and all the presentations.
Programme & Presentations
Nuno Escuderio, ISEP, PRAXIS project coordinator (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Plenary session
- "The City of Genova and its economic activities", Francesco Oddone, Municipality of Genova (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "University job placement as a first gate to the world of work: the good practices in Genova", Maria Maddalena Carnasciali, University of Genova (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Project Work and employability: the spin-off experience by the University of Genova", Fabio Lavagetto, University of Genova (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "School-to-work transition: youth policies in Liguria", Sergio Rossetti, Liguria Regional Authority (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Project Work and Internship experiences within the IREN Group", Daniela Milano, IREN Group (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Round table
Session 1
- "The Higher level apprenticeship as a link between universities and the labour market", Sandra D'Agostino, ISFOL(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Societal Challenges in the Focus of ICT Research and Innovation: opportunities for young professionals", József Györkös, University of Maribor (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "AlmaLaurea's role in helping university graduates in the job market", Giancarlo Gasperoni, AlmaLaurea/University of Bologna (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Ansaldo Energia experience with PhD, Research Fellowship and Apprenticeship for higher education", Caterina Ratto, Ansaldo Energia (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "University-industry cooperation: Ticass regional innovation hub approach", Gustavo Capannelli, TICASS (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Session 2A
- "Quality in Higher Education and Benefits from the Internships", Ioannis Kaliakatsos, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Projects as stepping stones to employability in the ICT field in South West Finland", Kalliopi Skarli, Turku University of Applied Sciences (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Fostering an effective transition between education and labour", Nuno Escudeiro, ISEP (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "The recognition of acquired competencies as a measure of occupational mobility", Nicoletta Piccardo, ARSEL/Ticass(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Curricular Elements of Work Integrated Higher Education", Johannes Haas, Fh Joanneum (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Career Forward Looking", Tereza Karpathiotaki & Giorgos Papadourakis, Technological Educational Institute of Crete(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Session 2B
- "Virtual internship game and student Projects in Latvia", Una Vorma, Riga Technical University (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "BANAT" Autonomous robot – Multidisciplinary project involving three faculties, companies and media", Sorin Nanu, Politehnica University of Timisoara (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Employability skills and professional competences for graduates in IT; experience of the United Kingdom", Edwin Gray, Glasgow Caledonian University (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Communication influenced by cultural differences", Tatjana Welzer, University of Maribor (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Enhancing Engineering Education through Academia Industry Cooperation at the Master’s Degree Level", F. Maciel-Barbosa, University of Porto (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "University-Enterprise cooperation for knowledge and skill requirements shared definition", Milva Carbonaro, GISIG(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Session 3
- "The possibilities of Virtual Mobility in international internships", Mariet Vriens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (SEE THE PRESENTATION ON PREZI.COM)
- "Establishing Student Internet Radio and Television Station on a limited budget", Jaka Polutnik, University of Maribor(DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Internship Implementation Models and Student Choices", Ilmars Slaidins, Riga Technical University (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Gaining practical experience through real-life ICT project involvement", Marko Hölbl, University of Maribor (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Internship: an added value for internationally recognised qualifications in the field of metalworking", Luca Costa, IIS Progress Srl (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
Session 4
- "Innovation and Creativity for Complex Engineering Systems – experiences of an Intensive Program", Tatjana Welzer, University of Maribor (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education with 3D Virtual Technologies", F. Maciel-Barbosa, University of Porto (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Virtual Worlds in Supporting the Communities of Practices", Ricardo Almeida, ISEP (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Provided Education by universities and the real enterprises needs", Lubomir Soos, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
- "Why do we have a shortage of qualified Engineers across Europe?", Anthony Ward, University of York (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)
More information & contact
If you didn't find the answer on your questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Conference Secretary:
Hosting & Organising team:
Programme Committee
- Prof. Dr. Nuno ESCUDEIRO
PRAXIS Coordinator, Instituto Politecnico do Porto, Portugal
- Senior Lecturer Anthony WARD
Provost Alcuin College, University of York, United Kingdom of Great Britain
- Dr.eng. Agnieszka KLUCZNIK-TORO
International Center for Entrepreneurship, Bukowice, Poland
- Msc. Milva CARBONARO
GISIG- Geographical Information Systems International Group, Genova, Italy
- Prof. Dr.Tatjana WELZER
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenja
- Dr. Marko HOLBL
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenja
- Prof.Dr. eng. Hubert ROTH
Chair of Automatic Control Engineering, Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, Siegen University, Germany
Faculty of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
- Dr. Gregory MAKRIDES
President of European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators, Director of Research and IR, University of Cyprus
- Lect. Dr. eng. Sorin NANU
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania
- Dr. Ferenc KISS
Vice_rector for Research, Budapest College of Communication and Business, Hungary
Local Committee
- Prof. Fabio LAVAGETTO
Vice-Counselor, Deputy for Research and Technology Transfer, University of Genova, Italy
University Deputy for Guidance activities and the relationships with the school world, University of Genova, Italy
- Msc. Chiara CERVINI
Human Resources Responsible, IREN Acqua Gas, Italy
- Prof. Gustavo CAPANNELLI
President, TICASS - Tecnologie innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile , Italy
- Msc. Nicoletta PICCARDO
Training activities coordinator, TICASS - Tecnologie innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, Italy
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Under the patronage of

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