We are looking for a candidate to our Big Data Analytics team to work with a huge amount of international
Healthcare data, collected from our Products and Services. You will work inside our headquarters to all
over the world. It is expected from you a great passion to deal with your daily challenges around Big Data
Analytics. With the rest of the team, you will have the opportunity to work in several areas, such as: Data
Entry Process, Data Cleaning, Data Modeling, Data Visualization, Data Monitoring and Pattern
- Strong analytical, critical and logical thinking skills;
- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and to meet changing deadlines and priorities on
multiple simultaneous projects;
- Excellent Computer skills;
- MS Excel high level skills;
- Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work in teams;
- Positive and pro-active attitude;
- Fluent in English (mandatory) and Portuguese. Other languages are a plus.
We deliver efficient models of Software Development expertise, real time Health Analytics
solutions and Cloud migration engineering.
Digital technology is transforming the Healthcare sector, accelerating and improving the way
Healthcare is provided for all the patients. Nowadays the mobility, efficiency and accuracy of
the services provided are a valuable must that never can be denied by the Healthcare providers
and professionals. Digital technology comes up like the fuel that allows Healthcare entities to
answer this daily pressure of existing demands of the modern day patient, administrative
processes and interoperability between systems.
With over 20 years of international experience in the healthcare sector, bringing state of the art
technology to the healthcare entities' information systems, our team is truly focused on “giving
health its value”.
MHII Solutions, Lda Rua de Fundões, 151, 3700-121 São João da Madeira, Portugal @: [email protected] Tel. (+351) 256 001 976 www.mhii.pt
Universidade do Porto